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ADAPT-PT/RC Streamlined Design of Post-Tensioned Beams and Slabs

Được phát triển từ 1981, ADAPT PT phần mềm thiết kế sàn và dầm bê tông dự ứng lực. Với giao diện dễ sử dụng, độ tin cậy cao và được kiểm chứng nên nó được sử dụng rộng rãi trên toàn cầu. Nó dựa trên phương pháp khung tương đương (2D) phân tích và dẫn dắt người dùng các thao tác đơn giản để mô hình và thiết kế. Phần mềm giúp người dùng thiết kế và tối ưu nhanh để đưa ra khối lượng dự toán chính xác và đúng tiến độ trong các dự án bê tông dự ứng lực. 

Wide Range of Projects

Easily design or evaluate existing concrete or post-tensioned beams, slabs (one and two way), waffle joists, pan joists and continuous beam frame systems.



Interactive Model Definition

Create geometry with easy-to-use model input dialogs for definition of span geometry, materials, boundary conditions, loading, analysis/design criteria, tendon/rebar information and many more.

Exhaustive Design and Reporting Capabilities

Evaluate existing slabs or quickly optimize new concrete elements for all applicable criteria while producing quantity take-offs, complete detailed reports, schedules and elevation views with rebar and tendon profiles.



Choosing between ADAPT-PT/RC and ADAPT-Builder?

Whatever your concrete design needs are, there is an ADAPT software for you. Compare packages and get started.

A Workhorse for Every PT Project

Whether investigating beams or designing two-way slabs, ADAPT-PT/RC is the first choice for all post-tensioned projects.

Straightforward and Reliable

Ease of use and a short learning curve make this the software of choice for both novice and expert users designing post-tensioned beam and slab projects.


Robust Code Support

Design reinforced concrete and post-tensioned slab elements according to a variety of international design codes including ACI, CSA, EC and NBR standards.


Advanced Analysis Capabilities

Utilize Equivalent Frame Method to analyze post-tensioned concrete elements while incorporating cracked deflection, losses, elongation, moment redistribution and secondary effects.


Link download ADAPT-PT/RC mới nhất: 

Ứng dụng cho các dạng dự án

  • Building floor systems

  • Beam and slab parking structures

  • Transfer beams

  • Prestressed and post-tensioned bridge girders

  • Hollow core slabs

Phiên bản 2012

Highlighted New Features

  • Multiple tendon modeling at any span location in Recycling screen

  • Discreet tendon end input at any 20th point in Recycler screen

  • Typical data input option in Recycler screen for tendon force and CGS

  • DXF file export including design elevation with CGS, forces, chair heights, span lengths, dead/live ends

  • Detailed reinforcement output in tabular reports for UBC load case and Initial load combination

  • Generation of moment capacities for calculated and user-defined reinforcement

  • New design codes added: ACI318-08/IBC 2009, Chinese GB 50010 (2002) & Hong Kong CoP(2007)

Improved ADAPT-PT 2012 Recycling Screen with Flexible Tendon Layout Option
Improved Recycling Screen with Flexible Tendon Layout Option

DWF Output Showing PT Tendon Profile
New DWF Output Showing Tendon CGS, Support Heights or Chair Locations

Design Codes

  • ACI-318 (1999, 2005 & 2008)

  • IBC (2006 & 2009)

  • British-BS8110 (1997)

  • Canadian-A23.3 (1994 & 2004)

  • Australian-AS3600 (2001)

  • Indian IS456 (2005 reprint)

  • European EC2 (2004)

  • Hong Kong CoP (2007)

Key Modeling Capabilities

  • 3D structural view reduces modeling errors

  • Models design strips with regular or irregular geometry

  • Supports drop caps, drop panels and transverse beams

  • Multiple tendon profiles with customizable shape functions

  • Supports any user-defined configuration of base reinforcement

Key Analysis Features

  • Simple or Equivalent Frame analysis options

  • Cracked deflection analysis

  • Automatically combines gravity and lateral loads

  • Calculates Secondary (hyperstatic) actions

  • Investigation of existing slabs and beams

  • Integrated friction, long-term loss, and elongation calculation

Advanced Interactive Design

  • Automatically calculates optimized design based on user- and code-specified design parameters

  • Interactive design review dashboard clearly shows all relevant metrics of each design iteration

  • Instantly shows effects of changes in tendon force and profile

  • Performs code checks for reinforcement and post-tensioning

  • Calculated reinforcement checked against base rebar

  • Offers moment redistribution option

  • Integrated punching shear design for studs or stirrups

  • Checks beam shear capacity and calculates stirrup requirement

Available Reports

  • Concise and detailed tabular and graphical reports

  • Summary report for reinforcement

  • Special investigation report showing demand vs capacity ratios

  • Material quantities

Product Availability

ADAPT-PT 2012 is scheduled for first client shipment end of January 2012 and will be Windows 7 and 64-Bit compatible. ADAPT clients on a current maintenance contract for ADAPT-PT when this new version is released will qualify for a complimentary upgrade.

Phiên bản 2014

All-in-One Solution for 2D Concrete Design

ADAPT-PT/RC 2014 is a highly efficient, reliable, fast, and easy-to-use software for the analysis, design, and investigation of any concrete project. It supports concrete beams, pan joist, one-way and two-way slabs systems - for conventionally reinforced (RC) and/or post-tensioned (PT) projects. 

Consolidate your workflow and licenses to save time and money

Imagine the benefit of only maintaining one software and learning one workflow for all PT & RC beam and slab designs. The new ADAPT-PT/RC is designed for engineers that need the flexibility of designing both types of projects efficiently, without the added hassle and cost of maintaining multiple software licenses. Seamlessly jump between PT and RC modes of the software or convert a model you are working on in the same program session.Frame Analysis for PT and RC Concrete Beams and Slabs

Highlighted New Features & Improvements

Beyond offering the flexibility of designing both RC and PT projects, this new release includes improvements in the modeling workflow, advanced analysis capabilities, expanded DXF output, and greater reporting options. Added features include:

  • PT and RC design modes

  • Ability to switch models between design modes

  • Improved segmental input modeling for complex geometries

  • Explicitly design for crack width under Euro Code option

  • Reporting and graphing of crack width

  • Reporting and graphing of long-term deflection for design sections

  • Improved program operability on network drives/servers

  • Active entry of PT force/width in Recycling Window

  • Extended reporting of patterned live load deflections

  • Quantity reporting for summary output

  • DXF output for calculated reinforcement

  • Detachable network soft licenses

  • Watch video of new features!

CAD Output of Post-Tensioning and Rebar

Product Availability

ADAPT-PT/RC 2014 will be available to clients starting January 20th.

ADAPT users with a current maintenance contract for ADAPT-PT will automatically receive this upgrade. Clients with an active ADAPT-RC license will also receive this upgrade but will only be able to run the program in RC mode.

Phiên bản 2015

ADAPT-PT/RC® 2015 Slab and Beam Software

Your Go-To Concrete Design Solution Just Got Better

ADAPT-PT/RC 2015 is a highly efficient, reliable, fast, and easy-to-use 2D software for the analysis, design, and investigation of any concrete project. It supports concrete beams, pan joist, one-way and two-way slabs systems that are conventionally reinforced (RC) and/or post-tensioned (PT). This latest release streamlines the process of completing your projects even further by automating the process of rebar curtailment and presenting rebar information in a format that is construction document ready. 

Reduce Your Licensing Costs with ADAPT-PT/RC

Are you maintaining separate licensing fees for your post-tensioning and mild rebar designs? Imagine the benefit of only maintaining one software and learning one workflow for all PT & RC beam and slab designs. ADAPT-PT/RC is designed for engineers that need the flexibility of designing both types of projects efficiently, without the added hassle and cost of maintaining multiple software licenses. Seamlessly jump between PT and RC modes of the software or convert a model you are working on in the same program session.

If you don't have the requirement to design post-tensioned projects, ADAPT-PT/RC is also available for RC projects only. Price for perpetual individual soft licenses start at $650 - purchase online.

Highlighted New Features & Improvements

The main feature of the 2015 release is the introduction of advanced mild reinforcement curtailment rules and rebar spacing checks. These capabilities greatly improve the workflow of producing beam schedules and continue to make ADAPT-PT/RC the most popular and productive software solution for the design of post-tensioned structures.

Click to view video of summary features.

Reinforcement Curtailment Rule Matrix
New interface used to define reinforcement curtailment rules.

Reinforcement Schedule in Graphical for Tabular Format
Reinforcement information can be shown graphically or in tabular schedules

Added features include:

  • Rebar curtailment feature for explicit definition of provided or calculated mild reinforcement

  • Rebar scheduling feature to XLS format

  • Brazilian and Singapore EC2 Annex codes added

  • Windows 10 compatibility for 32-bit and 64-bit machines

  • Rebar spacing check with displayed number of rebar layers

  • User can define span labels in Span Geometry input and summary

  • P/A and As required info displayed on summary sheet

  • 1.4*DL Default load combination added

  • Bug fixes and More!

Product Availability

ADAPT-PT/RC 2015 was released on September 1, 2015.

ADAPT users with a current maintenance contract for ADAPT-PT will automatically receive this upgrade. Clients with an active ADAPT-RC license will also receive this upgrade but will only be able to run the program in RC mode.

Phiên bản 2016

Highlighted New Features & Improvements

The 2016 release includes a new sizing feature for slabs, helping save time and improve efficiency. Remove guesswork as you start the preliminary design process.

Engineers rely heavily on the Design Summary page, and as such we have expanded its output to include area of steel values at each side of joints, Precompression (P/A), and deflections. 

Click to view video of summary features.

DXF output from ADAPT-PTRC
DXF output of ADAPT-PTRC design.

Added features include:

  • ACI 318-14 / IBC 2015 codes added

  • Slab thickness sizing, for program to recommend one-way and two-way slab thickness for both PT and RC options, including consideration of span length and interior/exterior spans

  • Design Summary improvements to include expanded rebar requirement data, Precompression (P/A), and graphical as well as tabular results for deflections

  • Model base shear reinforcement for one-way slabs and beams, with expanded output of adequacy of provided shear reinforcement

  • Model unique punching shear stud rail entry per column side

  • For British Standard, Hong Kong and Indian design codes, option to suppress allowable stress increase for post-tensioned designs, giving user option to enter user-defined stress without incremental allowable stress increase

  • Expanded service combinations for use in RC mode: now four editable service combinations are available and designs are calculated and reported for each, in addition to Strength combinations

  • Bug fixes and More!

Enhanced ADAPT-PTRC Design Summary including Deflections
Enhanced Summary Report with deflection values

Reduce Your Licensing Costs with ADAPT-PT/RC

Are you maintaining separate licensing fees for your post-tensioning and mild rebar designs? Imagine the benefit of only maintaining one software and learning one workflow for all PT & RC beam and slab designs. ADAPT-PT/RC is designed for engineers that need the flexibility of designing both types of projects efficiently, without the added hassle and cost of maintaining multiple software licenses. Seamlessly jump between PT and RC modes of the software or convert a model you are working on in the same program session.

Use the customizable rebar curtailment feature to set up reinforcement aligned with your company standards, and ready for construction documents. Graphical and Tabular schedules are readily shown.

If you don't have the requirement to design post-tensioned projects, ADAPT-PT/RC is also available for RC projects only. Price for perpetual individual soft licenses start at $650 - purchase online.

Product Availability

ADAPT-PT/RC 2016 is now available. ADAPT users with a current maintenance contract for ADAPT-RC and PT/RC as of September 9, 2016 will automatically receive this upgrade.

Clients with an active ADAPT-RC license agreement will be able to run the program in RC mode only.

Phiên bản 2017

ADAPT-PT/RC® 2017 Slab and Beam Software

Your Go-To Concrete Design Solution Keeps Getting Better

ADAPT-PT/RC 2017 is a highly efficient, reliable, fast, and easy-to-use 2D software for the analysis, design, and investigation of any concrete project. It supports concrete beams, pan joist, one-way and two-way slabs systems that are conventionally reinforced (RC) and/or post-tensioned (PT), or mixed. This latest release streamlines the process of completing your projects by offering hybrid systems, with spans or portions of spans without post-tensioning; adding the latest Canadian code; exporting reports to Excel (.xls); and more. 

Design Pour Strips More Efficiently

The new RC/PT hybrid feature lets you design pour strips more efficiently and economically. Model your span as you would construct and terminate tendons at the face of pour strips. Sections that fall inside the pour strip are automatically designed as RC sections and specified with the required service and strength reinforcement. 

Additional New Features Include:

  • CSA A23.3-14 design code

  • Excel (.xls) reports

  • Option to consider drop panels and caps in calculation of minimum reinforcement over supports

  • User-defined concrete self-weight

  • For CSA-based designs, drop panels and caps included in flexural capacity

  • Improved design summary graph showing regions where concrete shear capacity is exceeded by demand shear

  • Buildersum graphs now show maximum tension and compression stress values

  • For ACI-based designs, program adjusts required reinforcement when the minimum flexural requirement exceeds that of strength by one-third

Summary report for RC and PT design strip
Summary Report Showing Discontinuous Tendons at Pour Strip
Click to view video of new 2017 features.

Reduce Your Licensing Costs with ADAPT-PT/RC

Are you maintaining separate licensing fees for your post-tensioning and mild rebar designs? Imagine the benefit of only maintaining one software and learning one workflow for all PT & RC beam and slab designs. ADAPT-PT/RC is designed for engineers that need the flexibility of designing both types of projects efficiently, without the added hassle and cost of maintaining multiple software licenses. Seamlessly jump between PT and RC modes of the software or convert a model you are working on in the same program session.

Use the customizable rebar curtailment feature to set up reinforcement aligned with your company standards, and ready for construction documents. Graphical and Tabular schedules are readily shown.

If you don't have the requirement to design post-tensioned projects, ADAPT-PT/RC is also available for RC projects only. Price for perpetual individual soft licenses start at $650 - purchase online.

Product Availability

ADAPT-PT/RC 2017 is now available. ADAPT users with a current maintenance contract for ADAPT-RC and PT/RC as of October 11, 2017 will automatically receive this upgrade in accordance with their support or Maintenance level.

Clients with an active ADAPT-RC license agreement will be able to run the program in RC mode only.

Tính năng chung


Modeling Capabilities

Analysis Capabilities

Design and Automatic Code Checks

Output and Reports

Licensing Options

    • Project parameters entered using simple step-by-step design wizard

    • Bonded (grouted) and unbonded post-tensioning

    • One-way and two-way floor systems and beam frames

    • Multiple beam cross-sections: rectangular, T, L and I

    • Drop caps, drop panels, steps above and below the slab

    • 3D solid model viewer for visual verification of input geometry

    • Imports input data for design strip from ADAPT-Builder suite of programs

    • Supports multiple tendon profiles anchored at different locations

    • User can model base flexural and one-way shear reinforcement

    • Equivalent frame or simple frame method of analysis

    • Allowance for cracking in deflection calculation of beams and one-way slab systems

    • Calculation of long-term losses due to creep, shrinkage, and relaxation in prestressing

    • Friction and elongation calculations

    • Automatically generates first-pass post-tensioning design optimized for:

      • User-specified range of precompression

      • Allowable tensile and compression stress limits

      • User-specified range of dead load balancing

    • Interactive design summary page (Recycle Window) gives overview of analysis results and allows for rapid optimization

    • Graphical display of tendon profile eliminates errors while editing post-tensioning

    • Graphical display of stress levels against user specified stress limits while editing post-tensioning allows the user to immediately see the effects of the changes on the design!

    • Beam shear and punching shear checks

    • Reinforcement check for strength and minimum requirements of the code

    • Design of reinforcement for lateral load cases

    • Automated curtailment of flexural reinforcement

    • A graphical display of the structural model and tendon profile

    • Graphical and tabular display of location, length and amount of required reinforcement

    • Text and XLS reporting options

    • DXF export of tendon elevation showing CGS or support heights

    • Multi-user network or stand-alone versions

    • Download with soft license or flexible USB dongle

The program comes supports the following design codes:

  • ACI-318 (1999, 2005, 2008, 2011 and 2014)

  • IBC [International Building Code] (2006, 2009, 2012 and 2015)

  • British-BS8110 (1997)

  • Canadian-A23.3 (1994)

  • Canadian-A23.3 (2004)

  • Canadian-A23.3 (2014)

  • Australian-AS3600 (2001)

  • Brazilian-NBR6118 (2014)

  • Indian IS456 (2005 reprint)

  • European EC2 (2004)

  • Hong Kong-CoP (2007)

  • Chinese-GB50010 (2002)

  • Singapore SS EN 1992-1-1/NA:2008-06 Annex to EC2

The program supports the following units:

  • SI

  • MKS

  • American Customary



Cấu hình

  • Windows 7, 8 and 10 compatible

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